Rory - NVT Carpentry Apprentice

Here at NVT we are proud to support & promote our apprentice training scheme. Our current / latest apprentice being Rory who is in the first year of his Carpentry Apprenticeship course at Chichester College, this being a block release course of twelve, one week modules across two academic years, with a further advanced course being available following the successful completion of the first stage. The College modules are then reinforced & backed up by ongoing support & training whilst based on one of our sites alongside the guiding hand of one of our experienced Carpenters
We aim over the course of time to both increase our apprentice numbers & also across the spread of skills / trades they are trained in.
Rory joined us from a background based in electronics and has already grown to be a key member of our Team, including overcoming the significant difference in the technical terminology encountered in construction which as many people will know could be a different language! His enthusiasm and willingness to learn is both a credit to himself and also a great asset to us. We always try to engender a happy and positive atmosphere on site and Rory’s approach/attitude is adding to this. Well done Rory!